The GreenMoor Method of Running
The Greenmoor Philosophy Of Running And Fitness
Run Slower To Run Faster! Longer Runs At Slower Pace, Will Gain You The Stamina And Endurance To Run Faster Come Race Day.
At Greenmoor Running we know that we might seem old school, when it comes to our approach to endurance training, but in fact, our method is based on solid science and yeas of practical experience. What we want to do, is get rid of the “no pain, no gain”-mentality to training, and focus on a healthy approach, which will build speed and endurance over time, and keep building, long beyond what the no pain-method can achieve.
High intensity intervals might make you increase you VO2max rather quickly, but in the long run, that kind of workouts, will tire out you body, you will be more prone to injuries, lower your endurance, and even see a decrease in you VO2max, as the strain on your body over time is too hard.
Therefore, we practice a philosophy of running, which will make you, not only a faster runner, on the 5K, 10K, ½-Marathon and Marathon distances, but also a better runner. By better runner, we mean, that by focusing on endurance and running economy, and not on you VO2max, your bio-motor, will be more efficient and longer lasting, hence making you a better runner.

Know What Is Needed
Endurance is built up over a long period, often several years, and it takes dedication. This is why you have to be prepared to run at least 3 times a week (preferably more), if you want to see some serious improvements. For this reason, our training plans are not aimed at joggers, who just want to get off the couch and do a short run a couple of times a week. Instead, we aim at people who are ambitious runners i.e., a complete beginner or sub elite runner, who wants to more abut how to reach you full potential and structure your workouts to break your personal bests.
Understand Your Bio-Motor And The “Why?”
At Greenmoor Running, we don’t only show and teach you HOW to become a better runner, we also aim at teaching you WHY out method works, and why you should structure your workouts as we show. This gives you a clear sense of the purpose of your workouts, which hopefully will keep you running and motivated.

Before getting deep into the training plans, we will therefore advice you to read through the theoretical background, that we present on the site, where you will be introduced to terms and concepts that might be entirely new to you e.g., bio-motor, pace algorithm, respiratory exchange ratio etc. Although this is quite complicated, we have done our utmost, to present it in a clear and palpable way, so that you can get a deep understanding of the overall structure of your training plan, what the purpose of each workout is and who to combine the training plan, with supplementary exercises and routines, to build stability, core strength, agility etc.
Knowing why you train as you do and the purpose of each and every run you set out on, is key to staying motivated and keeping the passion for running.

Long And Steady Runs
Knowing how the best endurance runners train, can help you reach your full running potential, even if you have no plans of turning pro. RTP is taking years of experience and research into elite runners, and transferring this knowledge into training principles that you can use in your own running.
Most elite endurance runners have left the no pain, no gain principle behind, and have begun training smarter. Actually, many elite runners spend more than 80% of their time training in low intensity training zones. It is this principle of long and steady, which is easily transferrable to the overall planning of structured workouts for ambitious amateurs.